
The Church of the Annunciation

Mass Times

7:00 AM English
9:00 AM English
11:00 AM Latin
5:30 PM English

6:30 AM English
12:10 PM English or Latin
(Tuesdays and Thursdays are always Latin)

8:00 AM English
5:30 PM English - Sunday Vigil

Confession is 15 minutes before each Mass starts

Do you want to receive faith formation (CCE) or sacrament preparation?

We are making plans for our Parish Life Center. Help us accurately understand your family’s religious education and sacrament preparation needs.

This includes Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA / Becoming Catholic), and Holy Matrimony.

Share your preferences

St. Joseph's Altar Scholarship Drive

Bid for one of Father Felix's handmade rosaries with an exclusive center of our Annunciation window!

There are other great items you can bid on.

Proceeds will go to our St. Joseph Scholarship for those pursuing a trade.

Enjoy poppy seed muffins after the 6:30 am and 12:10 pm Masses.

There will be a basket in the back of the church.

These are a reminder that the seed in the line of David is fulfilled.

Plenary Indulgence
On a church's patronal feast day, a plenary indulgence may be gained under the usual conditions.
Spiritual Adoption
Celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation by adopting in prayer a baby in danger of being aborted and his or her family at tinyurl.com/spirtualadoption25

Mass & Stations of the Cross
Fridays at 12:10 pm

Following, enjoy a FREE meatless panini provided by the Marian Daughters.

The purple sack lunches will be available for pickup in the courtyard.

Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

Feb 20 - Mar 25

If you would like to make or renew your Marian Consecration, consider doing so on March 25, the patronal feast of our church!

Multiple 33-day consecration formats include St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maximillian Kolbe, and 33 Days to Morning Glory. There are also free versions available online.

"You must first discover Mary if you would obtain [the grace to become holy] from God." - St. Louis De Montfort


Giving Stewardship

Mail checks to PO Box 214, Houston TX 77001


The work of the parish continues to move forward.

Please do not forget your weekly financial contribution to the parish.

Your continued support is needed and appreciated!


My Own Church | Parishioner Portal

Help us serve you better!

Update your information in My Own Church if you would like to generate tax statements and request sacrament preparation.

Father Felix would also like to connect names to faces, so please consider uploading a photo. Privacy settings available.

Have questions? annunciationcc.org/myownchurch