
The Church of the Annunciation

Parish Updates

Annunciation Rosary Center
What is your commitment to Our Lady?  Do you pledge to pray the Rosary?  
Help share in the Devotion to Our Lady.  Click here and make your Pledge today.



Be sure to subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter to get advance notice of our events and special liturgies!
Go to https://annunciationcc1.flocknote.com/AnnunciationAudi to subscribe or fill in your info:


Mass Schedule:

7:00 AM English (Ordinary Form) - Monsignor Golasinski
9:00 AM English (Ordinary Form) - Fr. Paul Felix
11:00 AM Extraordinary Form Solemn Mass - Fr. Paul Felix
5:30 PM English (Ordinary Form) - Fr. Jones Jayaraj

Weekday English Mass (Ordinary Form)
6:30 AM Monday through Friday - Monsignor Golasinski
12:10 PM Monday, Wednesday & Friday - Fr. Paul Felix

Weekday Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form)
12:10 PM Tuesday & Thursday - Fr. Paul Felix

8:00 AM English (Ordinary Form) - Fr. Paul Felix
5:30 PM  Vigil Mass -  English (Ordinary Form) - Fr. John Ugobueze


Second Sunday Vespers
Held on the Second Sunday of each month at 4:00 PM  - Fr. Paul Felix

15 minutes before every Mass

Link to daily readings: http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings

Link to our YouTube channel, where all of our past videos are available: Annunciation's YouTube Channel

Giving is an Act of Worship!

The work of the parish continues to move forward.  Please do not forget your weekly financial contribution to the parish.  Your continued support is needed and appreciated. 

Please consider online giving.  Using our Giving tools, you can set up a recurring donation to one or multiple funds.  It has never been easier! Click to Give

Or drop a check in the mail to:  PO Box 214, Houston TX  77001

Looking to Join our Parish

Pastor and Staff

Our Channel